
Friday, August 20, 2010

Another boy!

I guess it is about time I update this thing! Honestly, my life isn't that exciting so there usually isn't much to write about. haha. I work 7am-5pm mon-fri and since that takes up most of my time there is rarely much to write.

Work is going okay. I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Not exactly with the's really just all the paperwork and stupid rules I have to keep up with. That just makes it stressful. Especially because the office can drop by anytime so I always have to be on top of things..which gets a little annoying.

Mason has been pretty terrible lately. I am hoping it is just a stage. He is constantly whining. And is sleeping SO bad! He is into everything, much more than he was before and really likes to not listen. I think that is what is making working so much harder, because of the two little babies I hate feeling like I am not giving Mason enough attention. I am sure he is fine, but I hate it. I think I will probably stop working in October or November. We will see though. I feel bad for feeling so overwhelmed with it but I can't let myself be too stressed out. But other than that Mason is doing really good. He is 17 months old now! And is a huge goofball. Seriously, he cracks us up. He is talking a lot more now, most of it not making any sense. But he tries. haha.

We got a dog recently and Mason loves her! She is pretty good. And honestly, I am not the biggest fan of dogs but I like having her around. And my husband is extremely happy so I guess it's okay.

I had my 20 week ultrasound on Monday and we are having another boy!! We are pretty excited! His name will be Hayden Cole and everything looked great in his ultrasound, so I can be less worried now. Even though I still have my moments! haha. He is already 1 pound, and measuring about 5 days above his due date. So we will see how he continues to grow, although if he is anything like Mason I expect a big baby! I guess that is the good part of having a c section, it doesn't really matter! :) lol. I may be having this baby in Vegas too. We shall see! We are kind of waiting till October 1st to come up with our plan..we are waiting for some things to fall into place.

Other than that..things have been pretty much the same around here. We are both ready to get out of here, that is for sure! I definitely want to leave before the snow hits again! I am not a fan of that snow! haha.

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