
Monday, June 14, 2010

Busy Busy

So daycare started about a month ago. And so far it is going pretty good! Although, it is a TON of work. We have a ton of paperwork that has to be turned in often and that is definitely not the fun part. haha. I have two 14 month olds plus Mason right now. Which is pretty crazy. One of them cries a lot, he likes to be held..but that is kind of impossible with two other one year olds to take care of. And the other one bites, pinches and pulls hair. She is actually leaving Wednesday to go to the center. Which is probably good because I don't think poor Mason can take anymore abuse from this little girl. She has her sweet sides to though, so of course I will miss her. But to replace her, I am getting a 4 month old on Tuesday. Another little boy, so I will have all boys! Crazy! But it will be good for Mason to get used to having a baby around all the time! And he is a little cutie! It is definitely keeping me busy and making my days go by super fast, which is nice. We are trying to work on sharing right now with Mason. I mean, he is 1 so he really doesn't quite get the concept. And these kids are playing with most of his toys, so I am sure he is like what the heck! lol. But he is starting to get better.

In other news, I have another appointment on Monday, and I will be 12 weeks Wednesday! Woo hoo for the 2nd trimester! I am REALLY hoping my energy comes back. I am in serious need of it! We are taking Mason to the zoo on Sunday (Fathers Day) and I am super excited! I think he will love it! And so will I, of course! haha.

I am pretty sure we are coming home for a visit at the end of August! Which I am realllyyyy excited for! Especially because we are definitely not coming home for Christmas now, considering my due date.