
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun weekend.


Brad's Dad and Stepmom were in town this past weekend, and it was so nice having them here! We are both very homesick, so seeing family makes it better! I took Friday off since they got in Thursday night. Friday we just kind of hung out and went to lunch. Nothing too exciting that day. But it was nice to be able to hang out with them! On Saturday we went down to the Navy Pier. It was so hot outside! But it was fun, we walked around and Mason got to ride his first Carousel. He LOVED it. He would crack up when me and Brad would say "weeeee"" So funny! Then on Sunday we went to the Brookfield Zoo. Which was a blast! Mason LOVED it. Even though half the time he wanted to walk and push the stroller! haha. I think his favorite part was the fish. He loved them. But we are so glad they came and we got to spend time with family. It was so fun.

This week is going by so slow. Probably because last week I only worked 3 days. Which was wonderful. haha. So this week is dragging! I get the new baby on Monday. So this weekend I need to go out and get a new bouncer and activity gym. Which I am also just going to use for this new baby. And I can write it off :) lol.

I am now 18 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good. Although, this pregnancy is definitely harder than with Mason. The little pains are a little more often and I am still occasionally getting sick. I have to eat every couple hours otherwise I will for sure throw up. And I have been getting headaches. Which are no fun. But other than that I feel great! And am getting huge already! I can't even imagine what I will look like at the end. haha.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Holy Tired.

Yes, my energy is back. But...Mason has been sleeping horrible lately! I don't know what the deal is. I have been trying to let him cry it out at night, but sometimes it just doesn't work. He just screams and screams. Which still keeps me awake. I don't know what is going on. But I really wish it would end soon. Especially before the new baby comes! I will definitely need that to happen. He has also been extremely grumpy and whiney. Which I am hoping is just a phase!

In other Mason news, he has all these new dance moves which are HILARIOUS! The kid loves to dance! It's so fun. He isn't really saying much besides mama, dada (which are sometimes mom, dad, and daddy), ball and dog. I'm sure he will be talking my ear off before I know it. He has this new shy thing going on. We have been taking him to Gymboree on Saturday mornings. He really loves it. But is seriously so shy. He is still getting used to it though so hopefully he will come out of his shell!

Daycare is going good. I had one child's last day yesterday and I will get an 8 week old starting August 2nd. So I will have a 5 month old, Mason and an 8 week old. Should be interesting. lol. I think it will go good though. Hopefully...

Brad's dad and Stepmom are coming to visit next weekend! I am so excited, I am starting to get extremely homesick and it will be nice to have family here. We are still trying to come home in August and it is a pretty big positive we are...just don't know the dates yet, which is kind of frustrating! Oh well..we will know soon enough. Brad is graduating from A School on the 30th! And I am praying and praying that we get orders soon after that. I really want to move before this baby comes. It will be so much easier. And depending on how long his C school is, I may be coming back to Vegas. Only if it is a short school though.We will see. I am excited to see where we are going from here.

Anyway..enough writing for today. I have a major headache! :(

Friday, July 2, 2010

Update finally.

Things have been going pretty well. I am now 14 weeks pregnant and my morning sickness and exhaustion is gone! Thank goodness. I didn't know if I could take it much longer. Daycare is good. A little bit stressful because of all the work..but good. I have a 4 month old now, a 14 month old and Mason. I will be losing the 14 month old here in a couple weeks. I am really hoping that I get another kid to fill that spot asap. My next doctor appointment is the 19th. Not finding out the sex at that appointment though, they will just be doing bloodwork. I am thinking that they will do the next ultrasound when I am 20 weeks. Which should be before we come home in august! So exciting! We are thinking it will be towards the end of August. But we definitely need to come home for a visit.

Mason's circumcision was yesterday. And he is doing AMAZINGLY well. I thought he would be sore and fussy and just not doing good. But he is the complete opposite and has been since we got home from it yesterday. He is running around and playing like nothing even happened to him. It is the craziest thing ever. He doesn't even care when I change his diaper! I was so nervous while he was back there though and so grateful everything went so smoothly. Hopefully the rest of the healing goes this smooth. In other Mason news, he is 15 months and doing really good! He has been giving some temper tantrums lately. Which is not my favorite, and I think he is showing me a preview of terrible twos. He does this thing where when he wants things, he will just scream at it. The scream just gets me. It is more like a grunting scream, and oh so annoying. But I know he just gets frustrated cause he can't really communicate. But if I say ask nicely Mason, he will say please in sign language, so I guess that is good. Although, I cannot wait for the temper tantrums to leave! lol. Gotta love him!

We are really hoping to be coming home in August. I am really homesick and a trip home would be amazing!!!