
Friday, January 27, 2012!

Wow! I am seriously the worst blogger in the history of bloggerdom! Considering I never take pictures, which is seriously horrible (besides on my phone). Maybe I should at least blog some of the events in our lives! My memory is horrible, so I should probably start writing things down. I like to say I have "CRS" Can't Remeber Sh*#. Lol.

Anyway it has been almost a year since I wrote last and A LOT has happened, obviously! First lets start with the kids. Mason is almost 3 years old and has had a crazy but good year for him. He has been doing really well in speech and early intervention! Just last week he got diagnosed with PDD-NOS, and for those of you who don't know, it basically means he has autistic characteristics, but not enough to be fully diagnosed as autistic. There are some things going around saying there is a possibility that they will change the terms of the autism spectrum, which would mean apergers and PDD, would no long be considered "with" that category. Kind of a scary thing because these kids also need the services. I will have to say how EXTREMELY grateful I am for the amazing services we are offered! He gets speech 2x a week and early intervention 3x a week in our home. It has really helped him in his communication as well as play, social interaction and many other things. He has had a little bit of a regression in the past couple weeks, but that can be pretty normal, especially with him getting closer to 3, he is definitely testing his limits. It is a struggle every day to deal with Mason, but I am extremely thankful for my sweet boy. He is so hilarious and makes me smile everyday! I definitely believe he was put in my life for a reason, and even though it can be hard, I will always give my all for him. He is talking SO much more, which makes me beyond happy! And now is really starting to show more love for his little brother! He got his first set of stitches a week ago (no fun for me!) and was such a trooper, but was really concerned about the crying baby in the ER that he really thought was his "Bubba". He was so sad, and I kept trying to explain to him that it wasn't bubba! Although, it did sound A LOT like him! Weird!

As for Hayden, he is a big one year old now! He is the funniest, and happiest little boy! He is learning so much so fast and it is just astonishing to watch him! Although, he is already throwing fits, including laying on the ground and throwing them! What the heck, seriously, a 1 year old! lol. He knows what he wants though! haha. He is walking like a champ! Started walking about 2 weeks before he turned 1 and has completely taken off! He says "G0" "mama', "dada", "cracker", and "doggy". He loves his big brother, and loves to dance just like him! He can clap, blow kisses, put his arms up for touchdown, show you his belly and a couple other things! Gotta love that silly little man! Oh and he LOVES attention! So funny! I will say he is definitely not as cuddly as Mason was though, which is weird for me! haha. At least Mason still loves to cuddle!

I am doing well! Just extremely busy! I have been selling some crafts on the side, doing school ( a medical billing and coding program, just until I can get back to school for my teaching degree), and babysitting, trying to keep this house clean and organized! It just seems like a lot of crazy lately! I love being busy, but it has been maybe a little too much busy lately. It is gonna get even crazier when Mason starts preschool in a month or two and Occupational Therapy! Oh boy!

Anyway, I think that is gonna be all for now, I really need to get to bed! Goodnight all!