
Friday, March 25, 2011

Lots to write about!

So I am borrowing my friend Caitlin's computer so I can FINALLY update my blog. Brad has our computer, so I have been left using my phone as the internet, and it is not the easiest to update the blog from there. haha. So here it goes!

We moved to San Diego, and I am LOVING it so far! Our house is great, and has the perfect amount of space for our family! Our friend Joey is moving in with us soon just to help out a little bit money wise, which will be nice! Brad will get here at the end of next month and I CANNOT wait! I need my husband! My friend Caitlin moved here in January, so it has been nice having her here, and right down the street! She is an amazing friend, and I am so happy I met her while we were in IL. We have become really close, and it is nice to know I have someone to talk to here. I also have met some other great girls here so far! I did Stroller Strides with them the other day, and I am going to continue it because I loved it! Mason started getting mad toward the end because he didn't want to be sitting in the stroller..but hopefully he will get used to it!! Cause I can't wait to keep going.

Mason turned 2 last week, and boy have his terrible two's kicked in. I have been having a really rough time with him and being by myself. I feel bad for him, because I know he doesn't understand why his dad comes for a short visit and then leaves again..and I am sure that has a lot to do with his behavior. And I also think him not talking is also not helping, but I will get to that in a minute. I have been feeling like a failure as a mom lately because of the way he has been acting. There are TONS of temper tantrums and screaming and whining. I am getting so frustrated. I feel like it is my fault he is acting this way, and I don't know how to fix it. He has started pushing other kids occasionally, and that is not cool! I just do not know what to do anymore. I am in the process of telling him everytime he screams that I do not understand the screaming, he needs to talk so I can understand him, and if he continues I walk away. And we are also doing time outs. I am seeing some improvement, but it is so hard. I cannot wait till Brad gets here, hopefully he will start acting a little better. He isn't the most horrible child, I guess it is just more frustrating because I am by myself. At his two year check up, the doctor was concerned about his speech. He isn't saying more than 20 words and not putting two to three words together, and the words he is saying are more like just part of the word. So he has an appointment with a speech pathologist on May 3rd, I am really hoping this helps. He had another double ear infection though, so that could possibly be the reason of his delayed speech, we shall see. And then she was making me feel like something is wrong with him, so now I am constantly worrying about things. She mentioned his head size and his behavior cause he was freaking out when she went to go check him out. Now all I can think about is things that could be wrong. I hate it. Other than that, he is doing really good. He had an amazing birthday party. And now weighs 37 pounds!!!! Isn't that crazy! He still LOVES to dance and we play dance central all the time! He has become a crazy little boy and runs around the house jumping and saying "yeah, yeah, yeah" haha. It is pretty funny! He is still a little lover and loves to give me hugs and kisses, and I can't complain! :)

Hayden is 3 months old already! So crazy! He is such a good little baby, and sleeps amazing still! At his 2 month check up we found out he wasn't gaining enough weight, so we had to start supplementing as I am not producing enough milk. Since then I have tried different things and was even taking 12 fenugreek pills a day, and nothing has worked, I am now only getting about an ounce to 2 ounces when I pump. So I just going to stop breastfeeding. I feel bad, but being by myself and Mason acting out I am having a hard time. I am just happy I got to feed him breastmilk for 3 months! And I still have some in the freezer, so he will have it for a little bit longer. He has started to smile and do a little giggle! The cutest thing ever! He has the cutest little personality and is so calm and relaxed! Him and Mason seem to be complete opposites so far! I have a feeling they will be best friends though. Hayden was watching Mason play with a balloon today and just laughing and smiling! So cute!

Hopefully I can try and update a little more often, and once Brad gets here it will be easier! :)

1 comment:

Darci Buhl said...

So I've been meaning to email you about the speech thing...Madeline has been going to speech for a few months now. And they are always telling me that she's so young so there's really not a ton that they can work on. She's three and a half! At this point I'm only taking her because some extra talk time never hurts but I think she is getting better at speech just because she's getting older, bot from anything they do there. I really wouldn't worry about Mason. He'll pick it up eventually. He's had a lot of changes lately so I'm sure once things settle down he'll be just fine. And don't blame yourself! You are a great mom. You are doing so many great things for him. The tantrums will go away eventually too. It's just the age. I'm so glad you love it there! Stroller Strides sounds fun. I wonder if they have it here...:)