
Friday, July 2, 2010

Update finally.

Things have been going pretty well. I am now 14 weeks pregnant and my morning sickness and exhaustion is gone! Thank goodness. I didn't know if I could take it much longer. Daycare is good. A little bit stressful because of all the work..but good. I have a 4 month old now, a 14 month old and Mason. I will be losing the 14 month old here in a couple weeks. I am really hoping that I get another kid to fill that spot asap. My next doctor appointment is the 19th. Not finding out the sex at that appointment though, they will just be doing bloodwork. I am thinking that they will do the next ultrasound when I am 20 weeks. Which should be before we come home in august! So exciting! We are thinking it will be towards the end of August. But we definitely need to come home for a visit.

Mason's circumcision was yesterday. And he is doing AMAZINGLY well. I thought he would be sore and fussy and just not doing good. But he is the complete opposite and has been since we got home from it yesterday. He is running around and playing like nothing even happened to him. It is the craziest thing ever. He doesn't even care when I change his diaper! I was so nervous while he was back there though and so grateful everything went so smoothly. Hopefully the rest of the healing goes this smooth. In other Mason news, he is 15 months and doing really good! He has been giving some temper tantrums lately. Which is not my favorite, and I think he is showing me a preview of terrible twos. He does this thing where when he wants things, he will just scream at it. The scream just gets me. It is more like a grunting scream, and oh so annoying. But I know he just gets frustrated cause he can't really communicate. But if I say ask nicely Mason, he will say please in sign language, so I guess that is good. Although, I cannot wait for the temper tantrums to leave! lol. Gotta love him!

We are really hoping to be coming home in August. I am really homesick and a trip home would be amazing!!!


Rich and Rachel said...

We should get together for lunch or something when you come home!

The Wintch Family said...

Rachel! I agreeeee!

The Wintch Family said...
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